1Thessalonians 5:24-25 “Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. Brethren, pray for us.”
Dear Praying Friends,
On March 17th, Source of Light Ministries hosted a Singspiration to raise funds to cover the cost of postage for the Mailbox Club. We are so happy to report that $2,860.00 was raised that night and in the days since. If you were unable to be at the fundraiser and would like to give towards postage for the Mailbox Club, you can still do that by writing a check payable to Source of Light Ministries and designate to “postage.” Thank you. Your generous gifts and prayer mean so much to us!
In the next few months, Joe will be singing with the Gospel Echoes quartet at their fundraiser April 7th. We will be Activity Directors at the Filipino church spring retreat on April 15th. Joe is still driving the school bus with 27 passengers in grades 5-8 each school day through June and is enjoying it very much. We are continuing to work in the Awana club in our church, Joe is Game Director and Journey director and Penny works in the Sparks group. Awana camp is July 15th-22nd this summer where both of us will be Activity Directors for eight days with grades 5-12.
There were 313 lessons graded in the month of March and 40 of those were emailed. Thank you for praying for our Mailbox Club students. We have given out 40 Sugar Creek Gang books to students under 16 who send in 5 names and addresses of friends or family who would like to join the club. This has kept us very busy sending out first time lessons to 200 people ages 4-adult throughout Canada. Please pray that many of these lessons would come back to us as new students. Thanks.
Serving God in Canada,