1Thessalonians 5:24-25 “Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. Brethren, pray for us.”
Dear Praying Partners,
Thank you for praying for our trip to Florida for Christmas! We had a great time and Joe’s heart behaved itself most of the time. It only went into AFib twice the three weeks we were down there and both times only lasted three hours each. We appreciate all the prayers so much. Joe preached three times at a missions conference in South Middleburg Baptist Church and he also preached at Harvest Baptist Church in Palatka while we were in Florida and two more times since we got home. He sang four solos and a duet with Darren at the Mission Conference and a solo in Palatka too! He then sang a solo once more after we got back home in Canada.
The Western Tract Mission Mailbox Club went smoothly while we were gone. We praise the Lord for the helpers working so hard! We appreciate your prayers for the Mailbox students. We are going to try something new! This year, we are sending each family a letter letting them know about an email address that they can send their answers to, which will help them save some postage. We will send the lessons to them as usual and they can send their answers by email. Some of the students don’t have email or access to a computer but most of them do.
Prayer requests:
- The Mailbox Club Students!
- Our health
- Please keep praying for our sons and their families.
- Pray for us as we pursue a registered charity status for SLM Canada, that all will go smoothly.
- Praise the Lord for a great Christmas break in Florida.
- Praise the Lord for Joe’s good health on the whole trip.
- Praise the Lord for travel safety for Darren and the grandkids and for David and Rachel surprising us by driving down on New Years Eve.
- Praise the Lord for Daniel & Kascha and baby Lily having a good Christmas together in VA.
Serving God in Canada,