March-April 2016

1Thessalonians 5:24-25 “Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. Brethren, pray for us.”

Dear Praying Friends,

Thank you so much for your prayers the past two months. We are praising the Lord for the health He has given us and the blessings in the Mailbox Club and SLM Canada. We will be sharing our ministry in a church here in Saskatoon this month, pray that all will go well. Thank you.

There were 6 new students added to the Mailbox Club in the month of January and 12 added in February. We have been sending out a letter with birthday cards each month letting the students know that they can email their answers to us. Many of the students that haven’t written in awhile have started up again after they receive their birthday card and letter. Some send through email and some don’t but at least they are reminded of their lessons and begin sending again. We graded 248 lessons in January with 36 of those being emailed and 201 lessons in February with 22 of those emailed to us. We sent 36 certificates to students finishing their courses in those two months. One student in January made a profession of faith because of doing his lesson!

Please continue to pray for our students. I am sharing a note that was sent to us at the end of January from an adult student in Nova Scotia. She writes:

“The most important thing I learned in this lesson is more about Jesus. We can never stop learning about Him. I want to live and please Him each and every day. He is No. 1 in my life and I pray for “lost ones” every day. I enjoyed the last lesson No. 12 very much because I love to read about heaven. I have many questions about HOME—how wonderful it will be. Thank you for helping us to learn more about Jesus! Love, Ruth K.”

Thank you again for praying for our ministry and our family.


Serving God in Canada,

Joe & Penny

A squirrel enjoying sunflower seeds Valentine's Day 2016!
A squirrel enjoying sunflower seeds Valentine’s Day 2016!
Joe had put sunflower seeds on his should and was trying to get chickadees to land there so he could get a selfie with them! One was not cooperative and landed on his cell phone!
Joe had put sunflower seeds on his shoulder and was trying to get chickadees to land there so he could get a selfie with them! One was not cooperative and landed on his cell phone!