September-October 2014

“For we are laborers together with God.” 1 Corinthians 3:9

Dear Praying Partners,

These past two months have come with several health issues! At the end of July, Penny had eight x-rays on her back to see what is causing the spasms. God has allowed us to find a Doctor that is willing to check out Penny’s back and finding the cause instead of just treating the symptoms which have been happening periodically for the last 33 years. We haven’t had a chance to get the results of the x-rays yet.

Sept Oct 2014 newsletter
Bird watching in our backyard. August 25, 2014

On Saturday night, August 23rd, Joe wasn’t able to fall asleep, because he felt as if his heart was racing. At 5:30 a.m. he thought he’d better go to the ER. We spent most of the day Sunday in ER, and the doctors found that his Atrial Fibrillation was in the very high range. They sent him home after getting it down to between 70-90 beats per minute. He felt bad all day Monday the 25th, and then at 11:00 p.m. he felt sharp pains in his left chest area and nausea, so we went back to ER. By 8:00 a.m. they admitted him to the hospital. After they performed an Echo Cardiogram they found a clot inside of his heart. He stayed in the hospital until Sunday, August 31, and was discharged at 1:15. Then on Friday he had numbness in his leg which woke him up around 2:00 a.m., and we went back to ER when the numbness had also begun to affect his face. He spent most of the day there undergoing tests, but not finding anything the doctors sent him home. Joe is doing better, the medications they have prescribed are controlling the A-Fib and his INR (the thinning of his blood) is up between 2 and 3 so that the clot will disintegrate. The INR needs to stay between 2-3 to be thin enough so the A-Fib can’t cause clots and so that the one he has will fizzle away instead of move somewhere more dangerous. We still don’t know what the numbness in his face is but they are sure it’s not related to his heart problems.

We are looking forward to this week when we will have two ladies from Source of Light Ministries in our home. It will be great to see them again and to show them where we live and work.

Prayer requests

  • The Mailbox Club Students
  • Our health


  • Praise the Lord for all of the students in the Mailbox
  • Praise the Lord for each of you who pray for us!

Serving God in Canada,

Joe & Penny

1Thessalonians 5:24-25 “Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. Brethren, pray for us.”